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Poppi Confronted with Lawsuit Over Gut Health Claims by Concerned Consumer

Popular soda brand Poppi is currently embroiled in a class-action lawsuit, initiated by a dissatisfied consumer who alleges that the product’s purported gut health benefits are not as substantial as claimed in its marketing. The lawsuit, filed by Kristin Cobbs in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, challenges Poppi’s labeling, which touts the soda as a prebiotic beverage with the slogan, “Be Gut Happy. Be Gut Healthy.”

Cobbs contends that despite purchasing Poppi drinks based on these claims, she later discovered that they contain only around 2 grams of prebiotic agave inulin fiber, which she argues is insufficient to deliver any tangible health benefits. Citing research indicating that a daily intake of 7.5 grams of agave inulin over three weeks is necessary for meaningful prebiotic effects, Cobbs asserts that the amount present in Poppi’s products falls short of this threshold.

Furthermore, the lawsuit highlights concerns regarding the potential adverse impact of increased sugar consumption associated with consuming higher quantities of Poppi, potentially outweighing any purported prebiotic benefits.

Seeking monetary relief not only for herself but also for other consumers similarly affected, Cobbs’ legal action has put Poppi’s claims under scrutiny. In response, Poppi, headquartered in Austin, Texas, has reaffirmed its commitment to its products, emphasizing its mission to innovate the soda industry and provide an enjoyable tasting experience.

The company has dismissed the lawsuit as baseless and has pledged to vigorously defend its products against the allegations. Meanwhile, the broader context reveals that Poppi is just one among numerous brands operating in the burgeoning functional beverage market, where claims of health and wellness benefits are increasingly common. With U.S. sales of prebiotic and probiotic drinks witnessing significant growth, it underscores the growing consumer interest in products promising improved health outcomes.

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